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Detoxing the easy way

If you have been following me for a while you know I consider my energy as a currency of high value! And in order to maintain that high vibe energy it imperative that I cleanse regularly. And by that I mean cleanse my body, my laptop, my home, my personal life (people I know) etc. Yup! Issa vibe I know! I will tell you all about the importance on cleansing your environment next time! For now let's talk about cleansing the body.

Cleansing can be a powerful way to detox your body, lose weight, and feel healthier. While I do recommend a strict liquid detoxifying cleanse every once in a while, I prefer to keep things a bit easier on a daily basis. It's important to cleanse your body regularly but it’s not necessary to do only the typical cleanses of liquid-only diets or green shakes (which I love by the way) to achieve results.

Yes typical cleanses can drastically reduce calories but they can also leave you hungry. They can lower your blood sugar and make you feel dizzy, tired, and irritated. And that is one thing that I do not want. I mean who wants to get stuck in the low vibration of irritation anyway!

An all-liquid diet or green shakes can leave you without enough protein or fat. They may also lack essential vitamins or minerals.

Even if they do detox your body, let's be honest here, it’s not easy to stick to cleanses while you work or take care of a family.

Thankfully, you can also detox your body without having liquid diets or green shakes. You can do this by reducing or eliminating certain foods and drinks. You can also add other foods and drinks to strengthen your health.

Follow these tips for an easy detox:

Avoid sugar. Eliminating sugar is a key step in detoxing. Sugar can lurk in many foods and drinks. It can hide in bread, cereal, juice, soda, alcoholic drinks, flavored water, and many other items. Check your labels!

Add more fruits and vegetables. They can provide you with important vitamins and minerals while helping you feel fuller. Plus:

  • Cucumbers have a high level of water and can cleanse your body.

  • Citrus fruits may help you cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the body.

  • Broccoli sprouts are also a good source of antioxidants and can help your during a detox. You can add them to salads or cook with them.

Add more herbs and spices. Herbs and spices have vital minerals and vitamins that are essential to health. They can also make your food taste better, so you’re less likely to turn to junk food or other unhealthy cravings.

Drink more water. Water can remove toxins naturally. You can detox faster by drinking more water and staying hydrated. Make it a habit to start your morning with a glass of water. Check out my shop for the SAE travel mug & water bottle.

Combine animal proteins with plant proteins.I won't insist that you only consume plant proteins because I also include meat in my diet. However, it's worth noting that plant proteins offer health benefits, including added fiber. If you're like me, I recommend incorporating them alongside organic meat options for a balanced approach.

Drink fresh ginger tea. Ginger a has antioxidant properties and can help you as you detox.

Make your own shakes or smoothies. You can avoid extra sugar and other unwanted ingredients by making your own drinks. You can add protein and fat to your drinks, too, so your body stays balanced and healthy.

Mango, pineapple, lemon, coconut smoothie

But cleanses aren’t the only option to detox your body. You have other choices that you can select to detox that are kinder to your lifestyle and health.

Your body is a marvelous creation! It speaks to you when it’s doing great, and it also speaks to you when things aren’t so wonderful. But that’s the beauty of it – your body gives a ton of signals to let you know it’s in need of something so you can do what is necessary to achieve optimal health.

That's why it's crucial to incorporate a mindfulness practice into your routine, allowing you to regularly connect with your body. That has truly changed my life!

Remember: there is an Energy behind everything! Your words, Your thoughts, Your feelings, Your vitality and so on. Pay attention to yourself and wellbeing loves!

Personal Story

A couple of years ago I was working as a manager at a hotel in Amsterdam. I started out as a front desk employee but worked my way up in just a matter of months. (How I did that I will share in another blog!)

Working in a hotel is not for the faint hearted. The workload was tough and the pressure enormous. But still I didn’t mind I loved creating solutions for all sorts of problems. That’s just my nature. And believe me there were a lot of issues. You see, we didn’t have standard hotel rooms! We had fully equipped apartments! Dishwashers, fancy sleeping sofa’s, cutlery, Induction, pots & pans. You can guess where im going with this... There was also something not working or missing!

The first two years of working there, I coped relatively well with the workload.

But as I grew in my position as a location manager, the stress only increased.

Around that time I started to notice a pain in my stomach. I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel System). After some tests it became clear I had an intolerance for gluten and lactose. (Over the years the list of intolerant products grew tremendously but I won't bother you with that right now.)

The doctor advised me to change my diet, which I did gradually.

But the cramps in my stomach didn’t go away.

The complaints were so overwhelming that I was convinced that there was more to this problem than just the physical level. In order to have a better understanding of my body and a better understanding of my food choices, I decided to study as a nutritionist.

During that study I came across an article of a holistic nutrition therapist.

In this article it was explained that doctors who treat from a holistic philosophy do not only look at the physical side of the problem. A holistic philosophy is based on the belief that everything is interconnected. Mind, Emotion, Body, Energy. WOW that to me was such a profound discovery that I decided to change my study, and ultimately I graduated as a holistic Food Coach!

During my 1st study I learned a lot about the right diet.

But that article validated what I already felt intuitively. The main problem wasn’t just physical. The main problem was on a deeper level. In my case it was stress! Because of stress my body had a sever physical reaction resulting in my IBS acting up more than usual. Obviously it also effected me emotionally & mentally, since all levels of our wellbeing are interconnected.

I decided to choose me and quit my job!

After terminating my contract with the hotel, I found another job where the stress level was at zero. My body reacted almost immediately! My complaints became considerably less, I was stress-free and I slept better again.

Your physical, energetic, emotional and mental state are the 4 levels of your wellbeing that are all (as you can guess by now) interconnected.

So the physical state of my irritable bowel was a direct result of the stress I was experiencing at the time. My fluctuating emotions were a direct result of the sleepless nights I had.

When one level of your wellbeing is out of balance, they are all out of balance. It all became clear to me.

The article of the holistic nutrition therapist has taken my vision of nutrition to a higher level.

If you want to become healthier, fitter and stronger on a physical level, you need to find a balance in your food choices, vitality and spirituality.

Use these strategies to tune in to what your body is telling you:

Assess how you feel each morning. The early morning hours are usually ideal for you to listen for your body’s signals. At that time of day, it’s usually very quiet, so you can pay closer attention to the physical signals. Each morning, determine whether you feel different from the morning before.

  • Determine if you experience any new aches when getting out of bed.

  • Figure out if you wake up feeling lousy or energetic, even after a sound night’s sleep.

Compare the effects of different food choices. As you go through the motions day by day, it can be challenging to maintain proper nutrition. Especially if you’re always on the go, you may end up making some poor food choices. As you do that, however, it’s important to see what kind of impact your food choices have on your body.

  • Do you find that you’re more energetic when you have the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables?

  • How effective are you in the gym after you’ve spent a day eating junk food?

  • Does your mind function better at work when you eat vitamin-rich foods?

Get regular checkups. Even if you haven’t seen or felt anything to worry about, it’s important to get regular checkups at the doctor just to make sure everything is intact. It’s sometimes possible, for example, for your cholesterol or blood pressure to be high with you having no idea.

  • If you’re about to embark upon a stressful month at work, business or personal life, now would be a great time to get a checkup.

  • Create a habit for doing body checkups in the morning and stick to it. If you find it difficult to create habits, I suggest you read the book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. That will definitely change your perspective on creating sustainable habits.

Know your body’s physical capabilities. Although you may consider yourself healthy and in good shape overall, there’s just so much the body can manage. Whether it’s exercise or mental work at the office, it’s important to know your limits so you don’t end up burned out and physically exhausted.

  • It’s okay to work out until your muscles feel worn, but you’ll know if you’ve overdone it if the recovery time is longer than you expect.

  • The same goes for mental exhaustion. You’ll feel like you’re coping through the long, stressful hours at work until you realize you’re motionless in bed when you should be up getting ready for work!

Paying attention to your body’s signals is a crucial part of maintaining good health.Remember that you rely heavily on your body to take you through the ins and outs of daily life, so you’re better off protecting it! Ground & center your energy, listen to your body’s signals, and start living a vital & happy life.

With love, SAE


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Where luxury meets life's extraordinary moments! We're Peter and Jennifer, a dynamic duo on a mission to inspire and redefine the art of living for the 50+ crowd.

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